Saturday, 2 November 2013

August: The farewell month

It's that time of the year again, when the tide changes in teachers circles. It's out with the old and in with the new (unless your contracts renewed). A bittersweet feeling of being happy for a friend who is off to start a new journey in life, whilst at the same time a saddening feeling stretches across our hearts as we have to let go of friends who have become family in the time we spend together living here. Sure, it's also a great time to meet new people, however its feels like the first date syndrome all over again!

I write this blog reflecting on the time I've spent here, thinking about all the great people whom I’ve met along the way, and how as the end of August draws closer most of them will be leaving Korea. These people who have formed my support structure will be moving onto a new avenue in their life. And as exciting as it's going to be, when we are together we feel our heart break a little every time we say goodbye. The saddest thing I guess is not knowing when in life we will ever meet again. But thankfully through the wonders of the internet and social networking, we can keep in contact effortlessly. This however will never come close to the feeling of being able to spend time together in real-time.

I urge you to spend as much time as you can with your friends who will depart soon. It’s been a great adventure so far and I’ve been blessed to have met people who have become my friends for life. I wish that when you too come to Seoul, you are just as fortunate to make friends who are as great! It’s such a friendly capital here that if you think moving to Korea is going to be a lonely experience.... Think again...
To those who I’ll be saying goodbye too, just know you've made me a better person and you've impacted on my life greatly.

Till we meet again, I wish you all the best in your life’s journey.

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